The most prolific producer of Jadeite/
feicui in many colors is Myanmar
(formerly Burma). Most of the imperial
green jade is mined here.
The historically important mines of
Hetian nephrite that produce white
and green nephrite are located
here, though there are other mines
nationwide. China is also the largest
consumer market for Jadeite
British Columbia produces large
quantities of colossal boulders of bold
green nephrite for use in the global
nephrite trade.
Known to the indigenous Mauri
people as “Greenstone”, nephrite jade
has been culturally and spiritually
important since ancient days.
An important source of high quality
blue and occasionally imperial green
Jadeite, known to the native peoples
long before Spanish conquest. Some
would even drill holes in their teeth
and implant jade studs.
Russia has a substantial supply of
nephrite in Siberia, as well as bright
green jadeite in other regions.
Difficulties in mining and comparably
small sizes of high quality green
material have made commercial
success of mining unlikely at this time.