AIGS 全球彩色宝石的权威机构 为您提供有关宝石产地、优化处理和分级的重要信息。

Gain the trust and confidence of your customers!

The AIGS MASTER GEMSTONE REPORT (MGR) provides the most important information regarding gemstone ORIGINS, TREATMENTS and QUALITY GRADES.

Lab Services

The AIGS Lab serves both the gem and jewelry industry and the public alike with a comprehensive range of gemstone and jewelry analysis reports.

Lab Milestones

In 1977, Jeff Wildman (USA) and AIGS Chairman Henry Ho (Thailand) invented the "Porta-Lab", which was the world's first portable gemological laboratory.

Lab Technology

The AIGS laboratory is equipped with EDAX, FTIR, LIBS, UV/VIS and DFI technology.

Online Report Verification

Please note that this service is only applicable to reports issued after 1st August 2011.

Overseas Offices

Service and contact information for AIGS offices and take-in windows in Thailand, Japan and Sri Lanka.

Classification of Treatments

Descriptions of the various AIGS detection methods and grading systems for colored stones, diamonds and jadeite.